Chalk Fades

Chalk Fades



Friday, June 9, 2017

Last Lecture 2017

“You will go far with CTR.”
-Mr. Haymore

This quote is simply nothing but the truth. We have learned that every successful person only made it that far by being a CTR person.  

Class Evaluation

Some of the things that I liked about Mr. Haymores class was the teacher's attitude. Mr. Haymore was always positive and never said or taught us anything bad. Haymore was always positive and taught us new exciting things about typing and some things about programing. I liked how the classroom was set up in equal rows of desks. One other thing that I really enjoyed about this class was that almost everyday that we came into this class we were taught about a new career and learned about them so we can be exposed to many types of careers in the medical field.
Some of the things that I did not like were the students in the class. Many of the students in this class were disrespectful and would interrupt the teacher. Some would also plagiarised and copy and paste their work. Some other thing that i did not like about this class was that Mr. Haymore focused more on choosing the right than actually teaching us how to type and program. The final thing that I didn’t like about the class was that I have suspicions that Mr. Haymore voted for Donald Trump. You can’t choose the right by voting for someone who chooses the wrong.
Some things that I would recommend for the class is to focus more on typing that on quotes. One quote a week is enough. We should also be given more group projects other than working on our own for the whole school year. We should also be given a little more writing assignments other than just our goals journal.
Some of my highlights in this class were that I got to start on my first goals journal. Another highlight was that I’ve improved my typing skills due to this class. I also got to learn about CTR and how it can really change someone's life. Another highlight about my year in this class was that I got to plass an easy class.
In this class I did about 88% of my very best. This is because sometimes I would forget that everyday I would need to read and write in my goals journal. But then again, in class I tried the best I could to write as much as I could about any tropic that Mr. Haymore gave us to talk about. When we would go on our typing tutor is when I really tried my best. This was because I wanted to learn how to type really fast and accurate.
I am not reading my life planning goals journal everyday. At the most I would read my life planning goals journal about 4 times a week for 5 minutes. This might have probably been because i would get bored of that daily routine. I sometimes wouldn’t have anything to write in it so I wouldn’t even bother reading it. Another reason was also because sometimes i would just forget about it or didn’t have time to do it.

I am committed to being a CTr person because over this year I have learned that the only way to become successful in life is by being a CTR character.  When you start to be a CTR character you learn that life gets easier. When you choose the right you seem to get accepted by everyone. When you Choose to be a CTR character you feel good for doing good.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

To Be A CTR Person

“THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is to be a CTR Person-to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7!!!”
-Señor Haymore

Señor Haymore has been the best teacher at this school out of all of the staff. He is the first person at this school who has talked about doing the right thing all the time. Over the year he has showed us all sorts of quotes that do with choosing the right. He has been a big influence in my life. Choosing the right doesn’t mean to do a good deed and say that you're, choosing the right means turning your life around and be devoted to always doing good and never doing wrong. Choosing the right means not doing any drugs or drinking alcohol. It means to never swear or cheat. Being a CTR character means choosing the right 100% of the time.  

Friday, June 2, 2017

Beautiful Character

“If there is beauty in character,
There will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home,
There will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.”
-Chinese Proverb

This Chinese Proverb is saying that with the start of someone being a beautiful character, it will eventually lead to world peace. The biggest things start with the people. There can only be peace in this world when we all learn to be a great character. An example of this is in the first 2 lines of the Chinese Proverb. When you choose to become a beautiful character, then you will bring harmony to your home and everyone in your home will learn from your example and your beautiful character will rub off on them.

Yoga Instructor

Duties and Responsibilities: Some of their responsibilities include teaching their students new yoga positions and other beginner steps. They have to make sure that their students are doing their yoga positions properly so they won’t hurt themselfs. They teach the proper breathing techniques because breathing is one of the most important things in yoga.
Salary: $41,000-$70,000
Education: You must know yoga philosophy. They must be well known with yoga therapy. They have to know the human anatomy.

Reflection: This doesn’t seem like the right career for me. I wouldn’t really want to work with people in a physical way.