Chalk Fades

Chalk Fades



Monday, February 27, 2017

Right is Right

“Right is right only when entire.”
-Victor Hugo

This quote makes a lot of sense to me because it is true. You can’t tell a story and just keep the bad things out of it, it would be a lie. An example of this can be when you're parents ask you what you did when you went out with your friends. If you went to go eat then drink and, you only tell them that you went out to eat, it is considered a lie because you didn’t tell them the whole truth. To make it true you have to tell them everything you did, the good and the bad.  

The Naturopathic Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities: Thiy are a type of health care provider who treats patients using a system of medicine that is based on healing powers of nature.
Salary: $67,000-$72,000
Education: A four-year, graduate-level naturopathic medical school.

Reflection: This career seems pretty great and, does seem like something i would like to endorse in the future. One of the reasons is because the pay seems pretty good. Another reason is because I will become a licensed doctor and I will be able to practice medicine.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Military Medical

Duties and Responsibilities: The health care specialist is mainly responsible for providing emergency  medical treatment. Medics are necessary to assist wounded soldiers during combat .
Salary: $18,000
Education: They are required to have a bachelor's degree in the medical field.
Reflection: I would not like a career as a military medic. The reason is because I don’t think the pay of this career is worth the risks that are here. A medic for athletes is way safer and has a better pay as well.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Good Quality People

“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.”
-George Washington

This quote said none other than by the first president of the United States, George Washington, is one quote to truly live by. You should ONLY associate with people who choose the right all the time. If you associate with bad people, you will become a bad person. An example of this can be in school. If you hangout with the people who ditch and don’t do their work in class, you will become like them. Another example of this can be in an opposite way. If  you associate with the good people who do all their work and are smart, those good character traits will rub off on you.

Mental Health Counselor

Duties and Responsibilities: Their duties consist of working with individuals, groups, and communities to try to help improve mental health.  They help their clients discuss emotions and experiences. They talk about issues doing with bullying, substance abuse, anger management, depression, relationships, stress, etc.
Salary: $43,000 annually
Education: In most states to be a mental health counselor a Master's degree is required.

Reflection: I would not like to have this job because, I would not like to listen to people's problems all day long.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Presidents Day

Presidents Day is a holiday here in the United States of America. It is always celebrated on the third monday of February. Presidents Day first started in 1885 in honor of George Washington who was the first president of the US. Yet, back then it was officially called ‘Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government. It use to be celebrated on February 22 because that was Washington’s real birthday. The holiday became so popular that it was renamed President’s Day and it started to be celebrated on the third monday of February. It was changed from Washington’s Birthday to Presidents Day in 1971.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day can be traced back to the early Roman times. Yet, back then it went by a different name. It was known as Lupercalia. But unlike Valentine's Day, Lupercalia was celebrated on the 15th of February. Pope Gelasius I casted Lupercalia as a Christian feast day circa 496. He declared February 14th as st. Valentine's Day. The Romans use to declare the month of February as a month of romance. Valentine's day was created in honor of st. Valentine of Terni. They say that the Roman physician and priest was “beaten, stoned, and beheaded for his crimes of marrying Christian couples… and possibly attempting to convert Emperor Claudius II.” Due to this, st. Valentines is portrayed as the st. of love, young people, and marriages.

Friday, February 10, 2017

In Life

“In life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where the goalposts are.”
-Arnold H Glasgow

This statement can not go unheard. Arnold has a point. You can not get anywhere in life if you do not have any  goals. An example of this can be after high school. If you do not have any goals of getting any job or going to college you will be lost and not get anywhere in life. Goals are the things that should motivate you to do something in life. Another example of this can be during school. If you do not have any goals set up you will fail the class because you don’t have any goals to motivate you and keep you going.

Trimming job

Duties and Responsibilities: A trimmers duties are primarily responsible for the efficiency and quality of the plant trimming of in preparation to sale.  

Salary: They usually make $12-$15 an hour but can be promoted to make $90,000 a year.

Education: They are not really looking for an education level, but more for experience.

Demands for this profession:
  • Experience at a marijuana trimming job
  • Knowledge of marijuana plant anatomy and strains
  • Ability to focus on a task for a long period of time
  • Accuracy and consistency in trimming
  • Trustworthiness
  • Ability to accurately weigh and measure


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Only Those

“Only those live who do good.”
-Count Leo Tolstoy

What Tolstoy is trying to say is those who do good are the ones who are really living. An example of this is with true Catholics. They are the ones who really are living because of the way they choose to live their life. A none example of this can be a criminal. They are the ones who are really not living because they live a bad life doing bad things.

Medical Scientist

Duties and Responsibilities: Their duties are to new methods of enhancing human health. They perform research on bacteria and viruses.


Education: They either need a Doctoral or professional degree.


Monday, February 6, 2017

A Choice

“I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I want to work, and I decided that I would change it.”
-Dr. Ben Carson

This quote can go with anyone. No one wants to grow up to be poor. We all have the ability to have a great future, but it all depends on how hard we want to work for it. Dr. Carson grew up very poor in the city of Detroit. He didn’t like being poor so that's why he worked really hard to be successful in life so he wouldn’t have to be poor anymore. Another example of this can be the way Marshal Mathers, aka Eminem, grew up. He grew up in Detroit as well very poor. But the one thing he did was read. He would read the dictionary everyday to expand his vocabulary. After years and years of working really hard, he became successful.  


Ernesto “Che” Guevara

Ernesto Guevara, better known as Che, was a revolutionist. He traveled the world with the dictator of Cuba Fidel Castro. He was a very well know figure in the Cuban Revolution. Nowadays in Cuba, “Cubans who display open hatred of Che...get arrested.” Che hated the United states. He was married twice and had 5 children. In October 8, 1967. He was killed by the Bolivian Army. The US military backed up Bolivia on capturing Che. His hands were cut off as proof of his death. He was buried in an unmarked location. In 1997 his remains were found and sent back to Cuba. He was reburied in a funeral attended by the president fidel Castro and thousands of Cubans.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


“Even if everyone is doing it, WRONG is NEVER RIGHT.”
-Russell M. Nelson
This quote said by Russell M. Nelson is really the truth. It doesn't matter how many people in the world are doing it, wrong is never can never be right. An example of this can be here in California. Even though marijuana is legal and everyone is smoking it, it doesn't make it right.



Mexico is one of the 3 largest countries that make up North America. The Capitol of Mexico is Mexico City. Mexico City was built over the ruins of a great Aztec city. Only 10 countries have a higher population than Mexico. Even though, Mexico does have it’s beautiful cities and  landscapes, Mexico is known for it’s notorious drug cartels. Some of Mexico's landmarks consist of pyramids. In fact Mexico is home of the largest Pyramid, not Egypt. I chose to write about Mexico because it seems like a wonderful country that i would like to travel to some day.